lørdag 11. juli 2009

Well. Some "very exiting" pictures of something...
My first dollars :)
Christian and I eating chips. *Notice* Dress and sweatpants... Very nice


Mommy is testing my new camera

The nice weather we once had, is long gone, and the tanning I started is looong lost..

So I figured I update all (3/4 of you) on my dreams this week. I normally don't remember what I dream, but this week has been kinda special.
1. The first dream I remember;
I was against Hitler in the war, and I once knew him. So to stop him from his evil work I had to have a puppy.. A black and white, named... Puppy
*What a great imagination I have*

2nd dream;
It was camp time in the US. The only thing was that I wasn't in the US, but in Columbia.. We had to go trough a lot of stuff including forest, climbing, glass breaking, swimming, fighting, blood and cocaine.
We all had to listen to a little girl saying that she only had 18 Kg of Cocain per week, so it wasn't so easy to have in her pockets. And then the EF man i met on a information meeting say that he had approx. 186 Kg every year, and that he hid it in his car...
3rd dream:
thing: mermaid
Name: Ariel
Place: in the dead sea
population: 1
hobbies: Swim
Relationship: Waaay to lonely
Age: Didn't know, since no one ever said happy birthday...
That was mostly my dream. I just swimmed around...
PS. 8 days till I'm leaving Norway :)

søndag 5. juli 2009

Sea Side Festival

We arrived at sea side festival on tuesday morning. There was so place for us to camp, but lucikly I met a person I knew so we could camp right next to her.

The main things that happened:

1. I did something gladiator thingy

2. I accendently managed to make Rosie's cell fall into the water


I let the pictures and videos speak for them self!

(I am the closest)

Me and my gladiator time.. What a great time..


I have no pictures so I'll have to explain.

It was very hot outside and we decided to bade in the sea before taking a shower which we desperately needed. Rosie had laid her cell under my towl(which I didn't know) So when we were done bading I took up my towl

And Rosie's cell fell into the water.


In the end we managed to get it up (Or a very kind boy did)


Remember that this is sea water which is not good for a cellphone at all.

We did our best, but we didn't have the knowlegde on how to do it. So we found a kind man who knew.


And now we have no idea if it is working, but it looks dark, so I said she could get mine when I leave norway, which is only two weeks from now.

*Feeling very mean*

Becide that we had a great time.

We came home at 4.1o a.m tonight, so I was pretty tired

Julie and Audhild

Julie and Audhild
says hello :)