torsdag 12. mars 2009

Me and my socks have a undeclared war going on. You might think that I would be superior. Embarrassing as it is, I have to say, No I don't.

They are like the gerilla soldiers. They HIDE, and no matter how hard I try to find them, I always end up with finding to single once.

The way I take back is by poisoning them with my sweet-scented feet:

I think the war will do on to the day some smart people find a way to kill all the gerilla socks!

But for now, we are having a peaceful period until tomorrow morning. The peacefulness is making my feet cold. So tomorrow there will be a new war!

3 kommentarer:

  1. The mystery of missing socks will never be solved. I just keep buying more.

  2. You haven't thought about bying 50 pairs of equal socks then? Daddy did, and he hasn't been looking for lost socks since then, and when one of his toes finds a blowhole, he casts it, and use the sock who's left together with another sock!

    In my room, I have a personal sock eater. He eats only different socks, and socks without holes! Its a pity...

  3. og så var det på tide å skrive igjen! stikkord: du bestod lappen, mopeden din går seint, Geek VS nerd, backflash på bussen!


Julie and Audhild

Julie and Audhild
says hello :)