lørdag 7. mars 2009

What a meaningful day

Update on my day so far.

Well I started it all with eating some breakfast and drinking chocolate milk. Then I watched some tv. After that I did not know what to do, so I watched Dr Phil. Then I fell asleep. It was wonderful... Until my dear sister, Marie woke me up to tell me that she was going to play in the snow outside. Then I sat down with my dear computer in my lap trying to make the time go.

I must say. When the weather is like this, there is not much I want to do outside, so playing tetris is a good and meaningful thing to do in these situations.

I wonder when I am going to beat my record. Christian and Audhild says that I have a problem since I am playing it so much.

But that's not true! I only play it at school when I am bored, recess, when I come home and have nothing to do, when I am supposed to do homework and when I am supposed to sleep.

I definitely do not have a problem. Duuh...

When Trine and Marie quits fighting over where to sit, I think I am going to watch some more tv.

I am having, as you might see. One of those days where I do absolutely NOTHING...

Fact: Doing nothing is boring

5 kommentarer:

  1. Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.

  2. You're really playing to much tetris, Julie. Someone must give you to a kind of cure I think...

  3. Alright, I'm ready for another post :) Because I'm sure you have NOTHING better to do ;)

  4. Julie, jeg må stramme deg litt opp. Nå er det på tide å skrive igjen!
    skriv om alt mellom himmel og Jord,
    skriv om det det som skjer der du bor,
    Om din fantasi skulle visne hen,
    har du alltid en fantasifull venn!


Julie and Audhild

Julie and Audhild
says hello :)