As if the things you didn't buy in Dyreparken was expencive enough! they've increased the price on everything. It's almost embarrasing telling a person how much a wafel costs.
Tomorrow I'm leaving for krisitiansund. I am going to see my crazy grand-mother and kind grand-pa before leaving. If you ever meet my grand-mother. Do not even mention something that has to do with me and a scooter, never the less, me ON a scooter. She would literally kill me! I have this idea about dyeing my hair up there. nothing ekstreme, just Pink maybe, or green?
No, I'm thinking chocolate or chesnut colored. A shade of brown:) Hope I don't end up like Rikke, with orange hair for a year. 

"Kalle klovn, kalle klovn. Er en artig liten brode som har mye rart i hode er Kalle Klovn. JA Rikke Flo "
Okey, Sorry Rikke. Just figured I'd have a little fun with it since I told you so clear NOT to do it :) Still love you.
Wow, I think your grandma and I would get along really well :)
SvarSlettAnd I think your hair is beautiful just the way it is :) Plus, aren't all Norwegians blond with blue eyes?!? ;) KIDDING, I swear, just kidding :)
Can't wait to meet you! I watch NO scary movies!!! Not even Disney scary! Love the glasses. Have fun with your grandparents!
SvarSlettHi, Julie, found you from Sarah!!! If it makes you feel better, my husband has been BEGGING for a scooter, but I'm afraid he'd kill himself, haha!
SvarSlettI popped over from Life in the Parsonage. I look forward to getting to know you better. I think you will have a blast with Sarah...she possesses all the coolness I wish I had. :-) Hope you enjoy your time with your grandparents. And for what it is worth...I think my voice is boring and always wanted an accent.
SvarSlettJulie, I just found out: I cant be Norwegian! I don't know the colour on my eyes(green?, Grey? light brown?, but one thing I can say: they're not blue!
SvarSlettSuppose I'm from Poland or something then xD. But I'm not crazy about James bond, so I don't think so... (internal Joke. Julie you know what I mean).
When I think about it, you're not blond! Suppose your hidden identity is an arabic highwayman or mabye you're the daughter of Julius?
Haha Audhild, nå slo du virkelig på stor tromma altså :)
SvarSlettTror heller du er skapt av troll. Håret, øyan. SAY NO MORE
Jeg kan ikke noe for at håret mitt er litt fluffy! Nå etter noen dager i all slags vær, er det omtrent i tovet tlistand, og det kommer ikke akkurat til å bli noe bedre i etter badeland som jeg skal i i morra (under tvang)Jeg får vel heller bare innse at de ikke kommer til å bytte kallenavn på meg på pappa sin jobb på en stund. Er og forblir en Mammut!
SvarSlettJulie! You should call Sarah SOON!. Haha. I've been reading about how excited she is that you are coming to visit. Do not be worried about your accent at all; Americans do love accents, especially ones that aren't American! Can't wait to read how your story with Sarah unfolds like a pop-up book before our eyes.
SvarSlettHi Julie! I've been reading all about your visit on Sarah's blog -- she is so excited, it makes me excited too -- and I've never even met her! That is what is crazy about reading blogs huh? Your blog is very cute and I'm sure your accent is too -- you should definitely call Sarah so she can hear how you talk :) Hope you enjoy your visit to the USA!