I just read a guy's blog. he writes around 6 times a day. WOW. That made me feel.. Like a good blogger. It is not that I don't have exiting things to write about, like getting the birthday present from the Epley's:)

Cutie boys made for me:)
I was supposed to put out more pics, but my unpredictable cell phone did not want to :(
Have I mention the extreme makeover our neighbour is doing to their house. I can hear machines going on in there from late in the evning to early morning! Very fun.
Did I mention the card I got? When you open it, it plays a song. How funny isn't that :)
I know the whole song by heart :)
Right now my cell phone is on it's way to a nursing home, or at least it should be!
Whenever it wants to, it turnes of. and sometimes(Very often really) it just stops working.... What a great friend...
I even have more exiting things to tell you about. A french test. Yeah, you heard me. FRENCH, TEST, ME!
I think I should just lay down and wait for doomsday.. cause the way it looks now. I am not going to pass it at all. I have not... *paid too much attention*
But can you blame me? Who in the world think it is interesting learing about partive article, future tence, reflexive prounouns. maybe my english teacher Jorunn would, but Few other people.....
Til oss Norske :)
ALDRI, jeg mener det, ALDRI undervurder aksenter i USA. De elsker det visst av en eller annen grunn. Merkelig merkelig merkelig.
Au revoir/ A plus tard / See Y'all later. / snakkes.
Does "A Plus tard" mean See Y'all later? Because if it does I'm SO gonna start saying that ;)
SvarSlettIt does, You're good :)
SvarSlettBen says, glad you like your B-day gift (:>)
SvarSlettA Plus tard