tirsdag 4. august 2009

Because I am lazy, Scroll down...

Her er nesten alle norskene på campen. fra venstre nede;
Vet ikke, vet ikke, vet ikke, Julie, vet ikke, Matilde, Linn, Vilde
r2 fra venstre: Emily, vet ikke, vet ikke, Espen, håkon, Gaute, Lars, Alexander, Håkon, Maureen, Øyvind, Husker ikke :P

Dansing ^^,

Camilla, Vilde og Linn med den kuleste læreren. Han heter Kevin og vi hadde han i current issues

Fra venstre:
Anette, Julie, Vilde, Camilla, Kristine, Emily, Linn fra Norge og Nike og ei anna svensking :P

Last day så hadde vi home comming. Alle kledde seg fint og vi danset og greier.
Her er anette og emily. Grunnen til at Emily ser så saaabla brun ut(Hun er veldig brun) er fordi Anette er fra Hammerfest, verdens norligeste by, så hun får ikke så mye sol på kroppen*Intern*
I history class skulle alle lage sin egen øy, med egen grunnlov og hele pakka. Noen var veldig kreative og da så øya deres ut sånn her :P

Frokost og signering av t-shorter :)

GO GRANT WEST. vi var alle delt inn i High Schools. Vi var grant west og hadde grønne shorter under volleyball turneringen. Etterpå kunne folk skrive en liten hilsen på den, men det ble ikke så mange på min, for etter 1 time i glo heit gymsal er ikke t-shorta mi noe du vil skrive på...

Vannet nede med stranda var skikkelig ekkelt, for det hadde vært storm noen dager før og da hadde det kommet masse alger opp på stranda. Ett ord: Stinkbombe!
Siste shopping/fri dag at Newport beach, Rhode Island. Som du ser hvis du ser nøye, så sitter meg, Espen (med den fine hatten)og Martin bakki :)
jeg var nok et par såre rumper etter skates ja :P
Lazer tag. Super fun...
SkatebanenJenter fra klassen på vei til The Skates of America..
Baseball match.
Jeg kunne ikke være med pga de forbaska egg'an, men de fleste syns det var kjedelig å sitte å se på i 3 timer anyway...
Take me out to the ball game,
take me out with the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks,
I don't care if I never get back.
And it's root, root, root for the home team,
if they don't win it's a shame.
and it's ONE, TWO, TREE strikes you're out

Et av mange randomme school bus bilder. På disse bussene fins det INGEN form for air condition eller vifte, så når du sitter der i en halvtime har du svetta av deg et par kilo.

På dette dag steikte sola og lufta var ikke til å puste i. Det kalles wacky-games, og det var veldig gøy :) Her løper Lian og Juliana fra tyskland 3beineren.. De var veldig gode

På grunn av en liten Egge reaksjon jeg fikk siden jeg spiste kinesisk ris, fikk jeg ikke spist på over 24 timer, og de som kjenner meg vet at jeg er nokså dau da.. Så da fant vi det første og beste (Okei, vi leita ganske lenge etter det da) Men vi spiste på hard rock cafe, og maten smakte HERLIG ;)

Vår andre shopping tur til Boston. Dagstur.. Vi var ikke så heldige med været i begynnelsen
Måtte bare ta det med. Et random bilde av ei som heter Ida fra Norge som også skal til Iowa :)
Jeg må bare si Grr...

Så har vi kommet til første dag med Shopping. Vi var på Providence Mall i Rhode Island, Det var et middels stort kjøpesenter, men sava asså. Det var HUGE!
Lian fra Nederland. What a sweetheart :) Hun var bare det koseligste. Her er vi på vei til Boston :)
Martin og Espen fra Norge. Ja, vi sitter tilfeldigvis i baggasjerommet på en bil, på vei til til stranda :)

Her har vi britta fra Tyskland. Blidere og morsommere jente må man lete lenge etter :)
Heldigvis fikk jeg meg noen venner.. Her er mine norske bestevenner <3
Fra venstre; Linn, Anette, Vilde, Kristne, meg, camilla og Emily
Dette er klassen min, personlig så syns jeg det er den beste klassen. Vi hadde så mye gøy :)

I know I'm lazy....

Men men

Vi fløy over island, noe som var en stooor skuffelse. Det så mer ut som noen hadde latt kaka stå litt for lenge i ovnen..

lørdag 11. juli 2009

Well. Some "very exiting" pictures of something...
My first dollars :)
Christian and I eating chips. *Notice* Dress and sweatpants... Very nice


Mommy is testing my new camera

The nice weather we once had, is long gone, and the tanning I started is looong lost..

So I figured I update all (3/4 of you) on my dreams this week. I normally don't remember what I dream, but this week has been kinda special.
1. The first dream I remember;
I was against Hitler in the war, and I once knew him. So to stop him from his evil work I had to have a puppy.. A black and white, named... Puppy
*What a great imagination I have*

2nd dream;
It was camp time in the US. The only thing was that I wasn't in the US, but in Columbia.. We had to go trough a lot of stuff including forest, climbing, glass breaking, swimming, fighting, blood and cocaine.
We all had to listen to a little girl saying that she only had 18 Kg of Cocain per week, so it wasn't so easy to have in her pockets. And then the EF man i met on a information meeting say that he had approx. 186 Kg every year, and that he hid it in his car...
3rd dream:
thing: mermaid
Name: Ariel
Place: in the dead sea
population: 1
hobbies: Swim
Relationship: Waaay to lonely
Age: Didn't know, since no one ever said happy birthday...
That was mostly my dream. I just swimmed around...
PS. 8 days till I'm leaving Norway :)

søndag 5. juli 2009

Sea Side Festival

We arrived at sea side festival on tuesday morning. There was so place for us to camp, but lucikly I met a person I knew so we could camp right next to her.

The main things that happened:

1. I did something gladiator thingy

2. I accendently managed to make Rosie's cell fall into the water


I let the pictures and videos speak for them self!

(I am the closest)

Me and my gladiator time.. What a great time..


I have no pictures so I'll have to explain.

It was very hot outside and we decided to bade in the sea before taking a shower which we desperately needed. Rosie had laid her cell under my towl(which I didn't know) So when we were done bading I took up my towl

And Rosie's cell fell into the water.


In the end we managed to get it up (Or a very kind boy did)


Remember that this is sea water which is not good for a cellphone at all.

We did our best, but we didn't have the knowlegde on how to do it. So we found a kind man who knew.


And now we have no idea if it is working, but it looks dark, so I said she could get mine when I leave norway, which is only two weeks from now.

*Feeling very mean*

Becide that we had a great time.

We came home at 4.1o a.m tonight, so I was pretty tired

tirsdag 23. juni 2009

St. hans

Today I had a day of.

First Stine and I went down and tried to get some tan at the beach. then I got up to Vennesla to get a massage(Birthday pressant from Christian :D )

Afterwards I went down to the beach again where I met Rikke, Karen and Christian. We stayed there for a couple of hours getting more and more red.

Then Ingjerd called and asked if I wanted to join them on a boating trip, and ofcourse... I said yes.

It was so cozy, and the weather was just perfect :)

On the way home I found out, smart as I am that I was going to film it so that the epley's could see. It wasn't so easy to film because it was getting kinda dark. And to top it all, and had to speak to it... I watched it, and I am embarrased over my english. I didn't even manage the vocabulary.....(as you will hear!)

I bet you will love this norwegian english Sarah. Everyone else will just be embarrased on my behalf... (Or I am...)

Just laugh... It's okey...

torsdag 11. juni 2009

For Audhild, because I'm lazy

This I'm doing just because Audhild says I should.
I feel kina bad for her, because she has an oral exam in social studies tomorrow. and I don't...

She thinks I dont use my brain...

I do. Sometimes at least..

fortsett å øv heller du Audhild

torsdag 14. mai 2009

17 May. Our national day

Today I've done absolutely NO, NADA, ingenting homework what so ever :) Feels like the weekend to me. The best part is that we didn't have anything eighter till tomorrow.

Audhild and I has had a prosject about northern light. It was most definitly too hard for my brain. it was physics and chemesty together...

Silje is going to celebrate her birthday tomorrow. We are going to her cabin down by the sea. Hope the weather turnes out beautiful. We are going to stay there till saturday evening.

Now the time difference is a good thing, cause then Noah will get his birthday e-mail from me. yeey cutie boy :)

Then on sunday it the 17th of May. Norways national day. And for all you forheigners we celebrate it in a kind of special way:

The once who are seniors becomes something called "Russ". There are different colors depending on what you are going to be. Example. if you are going to be a farmer, you look like this

If you are going to go to college you become red or blue "russ":

And the once that is going to be a mecanic, electriiton, work with health, like nurse at a nursing home becomes black
They all have a thing called "russe card" like a joke visit card, with a picture and a joke on it, that children collects. I had around 300 when I was little

(PS. All pictures are randomly taken from the internett)

We who aren't "russ" dress up nicely, and some of us has a "bunad" it's Norways national suit.

Strict rules. You have to have a family member from the place you're "Bunad" is from. Some "Bunad" I think is really cool:

above is the national suit to our native people "samer"

The children walk in a parade where there is a lot of people watching. They are singing our national anthem (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umY-LB7ExPQ&feature=related)and other song made for this day.

Afterwards we go to tivoli and then eat with family or friends. than in the evening we run something called "tapto". Where we have a starting point in the top of centrum, and runnes all through it holding hands, forming long "snakes". around 3/4 of a mile. then we come down to the sea and we watch the fireworks and lissten to some bands playing.

In our capital all the children that marches goes past the royal house, with the royal family out on the balcony waving. the thousand first children gets to eat dinner in the royal house.

Wow. You've made it so far. You are seriously good. You should leave a comment, so I know that you are a faithful reader. Pictures from our national day will come later :)

mandag 4. mai 2009

I heard a song on the radio today, and it made me feel very happy. A really happy song.... Untill I listened to what she said... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ITZBBV8Syg
I was Shocked! it sounded like a butterfly song, but noo..
Sometimes I wish I didn't understand English, cause then I could live in my own little butterfly world.

I wished I lived in Katies world, it sounds lovely http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odhw5SLYYdY

but back to reality. Some hours ago Audhild woke me up by calling me, to ask how you could say that she was being compared to a Mammut in English. *Shame on her for waking me up* Christian on the other hand thought it was a good idea waking me up *Shame on boyfirend too!*
Julie wanted to sleep :(

I looked at the videos at my cell phone, and it was quite a few videos of me solving Sudoku.
here is an other one, Just because I have no further more to say.


J: I found a 2. I have to be able to use it


A: Are you having fun?

J:No, cause I don't manage to get it right!

J: 4, 4

A: How many.....

J: 4,4,4,4

J: Notice that I am doing hard here. and then you have to look at these once that I have managed.

J: Ops

J: Tadaa

A: very good

J: *Thinking* Oh yes, I know :)

torsdag 30. april 2009

Written by Audhild (who thinks that she's updating her blog to rarely)

Julie spends a freetime at school solving Sudoku while talking to her self about numbers and my mothers accent... xD

tirsdag 28. april 2009

"Professional blogger"

I just read a guy's blog. he writes around 6 times a day. WOW. That made me feel.. Like a good blogger. It is not that I don't have exiting things to write about, like getting the birthday present from the Epley's:)

Cutie boys made for me:)

Hard to say, but it says Familiy on the big one, and laugh on the small. Perfect<3
I was supposed to put out more pics, but my unpredictable cell phone did not want to :(

Have I mention the extreme makeover our neighbour is doing to their house. I can hear machines going on in there from late in the evning to early morning! Very fun.

Did I mention the card I got? When you open it, it plays a song. How funny isn't that :)

I know the whole song by heart :)

Right now my cell phone is on it's way to a nursing home, or at least it should be!

Whenever it wants to, it turnes of. and sometimes(Very often really) it just stops working.... What a great friend...

I even have more exiting things to tell you about. A french test. Yeah, you heard me. FRENCH, TEST, ME!

I think I should just lay down and wait for doomsday.. cause the way it looks now. I am not going to pass it at all. I have not... *paid too much attention*
But can you blame me? Who in the world think it is interesting learing about partive article, future tence, reflexive prounouns. maybe my english teacher Jorunn would, but Few other people.....
Til oss Norske :)
ALDRI, jeg mener det, ALDRI undervurder aksenter i USA. De elsker det visst av en eller annen grunn. Merkelig merkelig merkelig.
Au revoir/ A plus tard / See Y'all later. / snakkes.

Julie and Audhild

Julie and Audhild
says hello :)