lørdag 12. juni 2010

My new job

I start my job tomorrow.

First let me explain it..

I work in a zoo/amusement park (www.dyreparken.no)and I used to work in a nice little waffle house, with plenty to do

But this year, my job is the assistant over all the places in the park where you can eat... Meaning that I am to tell the daily leaders of the place what to do.. There are 10 of those assistants.. They have all been daily leaders of one of the places you can eat in the park. They have been chosen because they were so good at their job. But I on the other hand, didn't get chosen because I was awesome at being a daily leader.. I was never one of those...

So you can kinda say that I am pretty scared, and I feel pretty clueless.

BUT, (there is always a but)I hope, and chose to think that they chose me because they saw potential in me, and I know that with God on my side nothing is impossible. So to those of you out there reading this, please pray that God will work through me, because there is no way I can tell people how to do their job, when I don't know how to do it.

Wish me luck!!

Is this when you say "break a leg" or does that even work?!

1 kommentar:

Julie and Audhild

Julie and Audhild
says hello :)