Now I'm just sad. I just wrote a looong blog of how not addict I am on Veronica Mars, and I managed to delete it :.....(
Well, as Audhild told me on the bus from Grimstad. I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to technology, and she is propbably right.
But seriously. How many knows how to download stuff in the right way, or make the computer to do exactly what you want it too.
On the bus we discussed cars. Or I did, and Audhild replied when she felt that she had too... But ever thought about smashing the other cars side mirrors as you past? Or open your door while driving fast. And did you know that when my dad was young (When he moved out of the cave) They had cars with the door opening the other way, so if you tried to open the door while driving fast the door would just be ripped of.
have you ever wondered why you CAN NOT fold a paper more than 7 times? (Try it out if you don't believe me)
Ever wondered why your legs only stays silky a couple of hours after you've shaved them, when after a bad haircut it takes forever for it to grow out again? (I certainly have, experienced both)
wonder why you want to scratch your eyes after you've put on makeup.
I've figured that Audhild and I accomplish each other. She writes with her left hand, I with my right. I cannot write with my left hand, her right side of the brain does not work as it should :)
There is a lot of things I think about during the day. And right now I'm sad because my once silky legs now feels like a dessert full of cactuses.
Well I'm of to bed, dreaming about something nice I hope, since I have a math test tomorrow.
Did I mention that I am not very fond of either math or tests!
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Julie and Audhild
says hello :)
That IS a lot of thoughts... ;)
SvarSlettThe shaving the leg thing drives me nuts! Why does it have to grow back SO fast!?!
You and Audhild complete each other ;) Crazy girls.
You're sleeping and I'm just getting ready to eat weird is that.
Poor bus driver! He too had to listen to you.
SvarSlettYou're wrong about one thing. The hair doesn't grow slow on everyone. My hair simply jumps out of my head. It's not a long time since the last time I went to the haircutter (I think you remember it, because you forced me to) and now it looks like the same old knot. Yesterday, dad actually said "Wow, how long hair you've got". Thank you dad, I just got rid of ten cm of it!