I have this nightmare about being in a horror movie. Not only am I being chased by ghost and dolls, but everywhere I turn there are dead people and blood.
I hate horror movies. I just hate them. I was at Silje's house with Alex, Joakim and Christian (Not my christian) and I sat between Joakim and Alex. I squeezed Joakims arm so hard, even though I thought the movie was lame. and I am not what you would call a silent watcher. Not only do I almost scream Joakim's ear of, but all the others's as well. I was called a sissy for that. The movie we saw was Fritt vilt 2 (cold prey 2) Yeah I know. What a lame film. But almost everyone dies, and the stupid big man never dies!!! 

And on saturday Christian (boyfriend) and some others wanted to see an other horror movie, and I still with Cold pray 2 fresh in mind said yes to join. Stupid little girl I am somethimes. That was so scary that I spent more time under the feather cover singing loudly with my fingers in my ears, than above actually watching the movie.
So to all you future people who thinks about seeing a horror movie with me being near by. I can only say please, Why can't we see a harmonic movie like postman pat or Noddy?
And yes I have to admit that I was so scared that when we watched House of Wax a long time ago, we had to take it of and go to sleep before I could see the rest. I even find the "Scary Movie" parody scary.
When I come to think about it, I've seen quite many of this frightening movies. Surprisingly I can still hear after all the screaming.
The last scary movie I watched was The Ring...FREAKED ME OUT! Just thinking about it freaks me out. *shiver*
SvarSlettWe'll only watch happy movies here ;)
Yeey for happy movies :)
SvarSlettHi Julie! I'm Megan Epley, Sarah's sister-in-law. I married Ben's younger brother. I found your blog from Sarah's - I'm excited to meet you soon and happy you're coming!
SvarSlettI agree about scary movies. Even the "dumb" scary movies scare me. However, I like scary tv shows like CSI and Law and Order. :)
Me too! I hate scary movies too!!
SvarSlettStacey from visiting Sarah's blog.